Serverless Handbook

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The Serverless Handbook uses lots of terms that might be unfamiliar. I introduce them at first use and understand new words are hard.

Refer here any time you encounter an unfamiliar word. If something's missing ping me on twitter @swizec.

Words and phrases in alphabetical order.

  • ACID short for atomicity-consistency-isolation-durability, a model of database correctness
  • API short for Application Programming Interface, use to mean everything from the URL structure of a server to the public interface of a class or function
  • API Gateway the AWS service that routes HTTP requests from public URLs to internal services
  • ARN short for Amazon Resource Name, the globally unique identifier for AWS items
  • AWS amazon web services
  • CDN short for Content Distribution Network, an approach to serving static files that improves latency
  • CLI short for Command Line Interface, the terminal you type commands into
  • CORS a security protocol that limits which domains can access certain assets
  • CPU short for central processing unit, the part of computers that does most of the work
  • CRUD short for Create Read Update Delete, a typical set of operations apps need to support
  • CloudWatch the AWS service that collects and displays basic logs and metrics from every other service
  • DB short for database
  • DLQ short for Dead Letter Queue, a special queue used to hold bad messages for further debugging
  • DNS short for Domain Name System/Server, it translates domains to IP addresses
  • DX short for developer experience, a catch-all for how it feels to work with a technology
  • Go a popular lightweight language for server programming
  • I/O short for input/output, the process of reading and writing to an external medium like a hard drive or database
  • IP address the globally unique identifier for a computer on the internet
  • JSON a popular data format based on JavaScript objects
  • JVM short for Java Virtual Machine, the runtime environment for Java applications
  • QA short for Quality Assurance, used to mean both the process and the teams doing it
  • RDS short for Relational Database Service, an AWS service for hosting relational databases like Postgres and MySQL
  • S3 the AWS static file hosting service
  • SNS short for Simple Notification Service, a messaging pub/sub service on AWS
  • SQS short for Simple Queue Service, a messaging queue service on AWS
  • SSL the encrypted communication layer used on the web
  • UI short for user interface
  • VPS short for Virtual Private Server, a type of shared hosting
  • apache a common web server popular with the open source community
  • azure Microsoft's cloud and serverless computing platform
  • blockchain a distributed ledger used for cryptocurrencies, data storage, and smart contracts
  • cache a fast data storage service or app for temporary data used to improve performance
  • chrome puppeteer a library used to automate browser tasks with Chrome
  • cloud function another name for a unit in function-as-a-service serverless computing
  • cloudfront AWS's CDN service
  • compute a fuzzy term for unit of computation used to talk about pricing and performance
  • devops is a set of practices that combines development and IT operations
  • docker a popular computer virtualization software and toolkit
  • dynamodb a wide-table NoSQL database service on AWS
  • edge workers a type of cloud function that works like a CDN and aims to reduce latency
  • exponential backoff a common approach to reducing load on a 3rd party service that is struggling
  • firebase Google's suite of backend-as-a-service offerings
  • git a common version control system
  • graphql an API protocol based on queries commonly used to increase client power and flexibility
  • hashing function a secure method of uniquely encoding a string in a way that cannot be reversed
  • heroku a popular platform-as-a-service provider
  • http short for HyperText Transfer Protocol, the underlying protocol of the web
  • https the secure encrypted version of http that uses SSL
  • jamstack Javascript And Markdown stack, a stack of technologies used for modern static-first websites
  • kubernetes a popular toolkit for managing servers and containers
  • lambda function a unit in function-as-a-service serverless computing, synonym for cloud function
  • netlify a jamstack and serverless provider, popularized the jamstack approach
  • nginx a popular web server created in 2004 to address Apache's performance issues
  • nosql an umbrella term for databases that trade ACID compliance for specific performance or usability gains
  • PaaS/platform as a service a type of hosting that aims to solve infrastructure complexity
  • poison pill an unprocessable message or request
  • queue a data structure that processes messages in order, also used as shorthand for a service or application that acts as a queue
  • rainbow tables a pre-computed cache of hashes used to reverse hashed passwords
  • relational database a popular approach to storing business data since the 1970's, often synonymous with the concept of a database
  • rest a common approach to designing web APIs
  • server depending on context, a machine running software that serves internet requests, or the software itself
  • serverless an on-demand hosting environment
  • ssh short for secure shell, a protocol for remotely controlling services
  • upsert an operation that inserts a new object or updates an existing object with the same identifier
  • vercel a jamstack and serverless provider
  • yak shaving a useless activity that indirectly helps you solve a larger problem

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Dealing with authentication
Appendix: More databases
Created bySwizecwith ❤️